Stricter RES project timeline considered to free up capacity

The energy ministry is considering to introduce stricter timelines for the completion of RES projects possessing connection terms, the initiative’s aim being to free up grid capacity.

As part of the effort, the energy ministry has asked for power grid operator IPTO’s opinion on whether existing RES project development timelines should be made tighter in order to eliminate projects that have stalled for a variety of reasons.

The ministry believes that a proportion of grid space that would become available through the implementation of a tighter development schedule for RES projects should be allocated to the distribution network for the development of small-scale photovoltaics. Priority would be given to self-consumption applications.

Deputy energy minister Alexandra Sdoukou presented the fundamentals of the overall plan at a recent event staged by SEF, the Hellenic Association of Photovoltaic Companies. Releasing grid space and distributing this capacity to new projects are the plan’s two key aspects, she explained.

Greater grid-injection restrictions for renewables and the addition of batteries to RES projects with connection terms are paramount in the effort to broaden available capacity, Sdoukou reiterated.