Standalone battery interest surges to 12 GW, data shows

Investment interest in standalone batteries has surged, as highlighted by applications submitted by investors, to power grid operator IPTO, seeking grid access for roughly 230 standalone battery projects representing 11,970 MW, or just under 12 GW.

This capacity greatly exceeds energy-storage objectives included in a revised 2030 National Energy and Climate Plan that has been forwarded to the European Commission for approval.

According to the revised NECP, Greece’s energy-storage target for 2030 is not expected to exceed 3.1 GW. This target includes standalone batteries as well as batteries linked to RES units.

Projects for which investors are currently seeking connection terms even suffice for the achievement of energy-storage objectives at the end of the next decade.

This surge in energy-storage interest is expected to continue, further extending the waiting list of applicants. As has already become clear, a large proportion of these project applications will not be materialized.

A total capacity of between 1,500 and 1,700 MW for standalone batteries will be offered through three auctions, the second of which is now in progress. RAAEY, the Regulatory Authority for Waste, Energy and Water, intends to complete its appraisal of offers on February 8 before announcing a list of successful bids on February 15.