Simpler supplier switching limited to punctual consumers

The energy ministry, preparing action to simplify the consumer-switching procedure from one electricity supplier to another by limiting bureaucracy as a means of boosting mobility and competition, intends to reserve this convenience for customers without arrears.

On the contrary, customers owing electricity-bill amounts will continue to face all existing bureaucracy should they wish to change supplier.

Limitations making transfers to other electricity suppliers difficult will apply to all consumers with arrears, not just those marked out on an upcoming and collective debt-flagging system for all suppliers to see.

The ministry needs to strike a right balance between freedom and constraint as too much leeway for consumers could prompt a further increase in the number of consumers abandoning suppliers despite owing electricity-bill amounts, a phenomenon locally dubbed “energy tourism”.

As part of the wider effort to boost mobility and competition, authorities have just launched a price-comparison chart listing new variable tariffs, dubbed green tariffs, offered by all suppliers as of January 1. These tariffs will be revised by all suppliers monthly, at the beginning of each month.  (