Second batteries auction to be announced late September

RAEEY, the Regulatory Authority for Waste, Energy and Water, is expected to announce a second standalone batteries auction towards the end of September, for a session offering an overall capacity of 300 MW.

Terms for the next standalone batteries auction will, more or less, be the same as those that applied for the previous auction, according to energypress sources.

This effectively means that participants will have 25 days to submit bids once the auction’s announcement is made.

Taking into account that RAEEY will require approximately one month to evaluate the bids, a finalized list of successful projects can be expected in November.

The first auction for standalone batteries proved highly successful, while bidding competition between participants was intense.

A total of 12 projects secured the session’s entire capacity of 411.79 MW on offer, at annual prices ranging from 33,948 euros per MW to 64,122 euros per MW, well below an upper limit of 115,000 euros per MW, annually.