RAAEY’s Energy Ombudsman service proving useful

An Energy Ombudsman launched by RAAEY, the Regulatory Authority for Waste, Energy and Water, on February 1 for resolving disputes between consumers and suppliers or market operators is provi ng useful, early data on the new service has indicated.

Some 50 applications concerning disputes, primarily pricing disputes, have already been submitted, but ten of these have not been accepted by the Energy Ombudsman as their cases are currently being examined by other agencies and decisions are still pending, energypress sources informed.

Two cases have already been settled through the new RAAEY service, while outcomes on the others are pending.

Consumers can only resort to the new Energy Ombudsman fcr settlement of disputes if they have not already filed cases to other agencies or courts.

Consumers must first raise their cases with their supplier or the relevant market operator and, if they deem the response as insufficient, can then turn to the Energy Ombudsman for help.

Besides pricing disputes, other disputes that may be settled through the Energy Ombudsman, covering both the electricity and natural gas markets, could include disagreement over clauses, consumption levels, as well as energy-bill ambiguities.