Pre-notification term planned for new variable tariffs in 2024

The extent of possible additional charges included in variable electricity tariff agreements offered by suppliers as of the new year, when new post-crisis market rules are planned to be introduced, will need to be specified and announced by the 1st of each month and remain valid for the entire month, according to a plan being prepared by the energy ministry.

If the ministry’s planned revisions are implemented, consumers would automatically be transferred to variable-tariff categories offered by suppliers as of January 1, unless they opt – prior to this date – for some other type of supply agreement among the alternatives to be offered by their suppliers.

Consumers opting for fixed tariffs will have the right to 12-month supply agreements but will maintain the right to depart ahead of expiry dates, according to the ministry’s plan.

Given the wider insecurity felt by consumers ahead of January’s planned reactivation of indexation clauses, most consumers will probably prefer fixed tariffs, analysts have noted.

Independent suppliers have expressed concerns, noting the ministry is making decisions for new market rules without considering their views. This lack of exchange is breeding ambiguity and preventing suppliers from forming new pricing policies ahead of January 1, suppliers contend.