Roof PV applications now over 14,000, 60% with batteries

Completed applications for small-scale, roof-mounted PVs with capacities of up to 10 kW have reached 14,230, of which 8,752 include plans for batteries, making them eligible for a related subsidy support program.

The public’s strong interest for roof-mounted PV installations highlights its growing interest in net-metering solutions as a means of energy-cost reduction.

An increasing number of applicants are revising their RES production licenses in order to incorporate batteries into their installations and, thereby, become eligible for subsidy support.

The 14,230 applications submitted so far represent a total capacity of approximately 100 MW, while roughly one-third of 238 million euros in subsidies that have been made available for roof-mounted PVs has been absorbed.

Also, between 7 and 8 percent of RES units that have applied for grid capacity are now connected to the grid.

Some investors have hesitated to submit applications to pvstegi, the platform established for roof-mounted PV subsidies, over uncertainty regarding the disbursement of subsidies.

Specifically, one term stipulates that subsidies would not be disbursed if any irregularities, such as building permit violations, were to be identified. This condition is typically in place to ensure that PV systems are installed in compliance with local building and zoning regulations.