NOME auction postponement sought for export rules clarity

ESEPIE, the Hellenic Association of Electricity Trading & Supply Companies, has demanded clarification, during the current day, of vague NOME auction electricity amount export rules or a postponement of tomorrow’s scheduled session.

This demand by ESEPIE, representing traders and non-vertically integrated electricity suppliers, comes as an addition to an energy exchange proposal for the establishment of a mechanism that would introduce NOME-related electricity export disincentives. This latter proposal is now undergoing public consultation.

ESEPIE is pressuring RAE, the Regulatory Authority for Energy, for a clear-cut response as to whether and when the energy exchange’s export disincentives mechanism can be expected, and, in addition, if it would apply for futures products.

Many suppliers are exporting over 20 percent of electricity amounts  traded, while some are exporting as much as 80 percent.

Tomorrow’s NOME auction is planned to offer a total electricity amount of 683 MWh. Of this, 172 MWh has been added as a result of Greece’s failure to reach bailout-required targets in the retail electricity market, still dominated by the main power utility PPC.