Net metering launch draws 200 applicants in first ten days

Though not even remotely comparable to the photovoltaic market’s sustained frenzy of activity experienced during the sector’s golden era several years back, or bubble, according to some, the introduction of the net metering plan has managed to draw over 200 applications for solar-panel installations over its first ten days.

Most of the applications submitted so far concern enterprises consuming high levels of electricity, such as bakeries and hotels, for facilities with capacities of between 25 and 50 KW.

Households have not responded to the net metering plan, enabling electricity consumers who generate their own power from an eligible on-site facility and deliver it to local distribution facilities to offset the electric energy provided by the utility during an applicable billing period.

Currently, as part of the plan’s first stage, HEDNO, the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator, locally acronymed DEDDIE, is accepting applications from consumers linked to the low-voltage network.

HEDNO plans to begin accepting applications from consumers supplied by the medium-voltage network later on, once a series of complex technical issues concerning such connections are resolved.

Through the net metering process, self-produced electricity that exceeds the amount required by its respective producers, annually, is not paid by the power utility PPC. Any excess self-production is essentially provided to the grid for free.

Therefore, as highlighted by sector specialists, careful studies need to be conducted prior to installation so that applicants have appropriate photovoltaic facilites fitted, producing required levels of electricity. Besides avoiding overproduction, a careful approach will also help applicants avoid the extra cost associated with installing unnecessary high-capacity systems.

Connection fees for systems with a capacity of up to 55 KW have been set at 300 euros. If exisiting power meters need to be replaced the connection fee for this category is 370 euros for single-phase systems and 390 euros for triple-phase systems. The connection fee for systems with capacitities between 55 KW and 100 KW is 450 euros. These fees are based on the assumption that no network development work is required for connections to be made.