Ministry preparing to toughen up on electricity theft

The energy ministry is preparing to take strict action in an effort to combat electricity theft, a rising concern now estimated to represent 5 percent of electricity market revenue. Some 13,000 power meter breaches were reported last year by DEDDIE/HEDNO, the distribution network operator.

Energy ministry officials held talks yesterday with representatives of RAAEY, the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Environment, and Water, DEDDIE/HEDNO and electricity suppliers to discuss an action plan.

Besides tougher rules resulting in stricter penalties for electricity theft, energy market authorities also aim to take further action on two fronts.

DEDDIE/HEDNO, it has been decided, will install smart meters at all shops, especially in sectors where a greater number of electricity-theft cases have been observed, such as hospitality.

Smart meters provide real-time data on electricity consumption, making it easier to detect any unusual or unauthorized usage patterns.

Officials have also agreed to take action at Roma camps, where electricity theft has been rampant, by converting overhead power line crossings into underground networks.