IPTO regulatory framework for RES output cuts in the pipeline

Power grid operator IPTO plans to soon work on a regulatory framework intended to configurate RES output cuts, the operator’s CEO Manos Manousakis has told an annual event staged by the Greek Wind Energy Association (ELETAEN).

IPTO will establish a working group with ELETAEN to examine RES grid injection restrictions that will need to be applied whenever necessary to ensure grid stability, the IPTO chief noted.

The prospective regulatory framework is intended to eventually replace a formula already being applied by IPTO for universal and proportional cuts in RES production.

The framework’s criteria will be fashioned in accordance with the grid’s features and needs, essentially meaning RES cuts will vary depending on RES unit technology.

Until the regulatory framework is drafted, IPTO, as a transitional solution, will continue cutting RES grid injections based on the production capacity of respective RES units.

RES investors have underlined the regulatory framework for RES output cuts will affect projected revenues of RES units and, as a result, is already impacting their negotiations with banks for loans concerning new projects.

Cuts on small-scale and large-scale RES units will need to be proportional, rather than based on the operator’s technical capabilities, investors have noted.