Investment interest soars for RES units with batteries

Investment interest has soared for renewable energy projects equipped with storage units. A total of 81 producer-certificate applications concerning such projects and representing a total capacity of 2.44 GW were submitted to an October cycle, held by RAAEY, the Regulatory Authority for Waste, Energy and Water.

Solar energy projects dominated the October cycle, numbering 48 in total. Wind energy projects followed, totaling 29.

If these October applications are approved, RAAEY’s registry of RES projects will increase to represent a total capacity of 7.73 GW.

Without a doubt, investors are being driven by an energy ministry announcement offering priority status to RES investments with batteries as a means of addressing a shortage in grid capacity.

RES output cuts, seen rising to protect the grid from overloading, is another key factor prompting investors to equip their projects with storage units.

Business plans for renewables with batteries are excessive and completely disproportionate to the needs of the grid, sector officials have noted.