Installed RES capacity reaches 11,284 MW in June

Installed RES capacity reached a total of 11,284 MW in June, according to a latest report published by DAPEEP, the RES market operator.

Solar energy installations, at 5,788 MW, represent this total’s biggest share, followed by wind turbines, at 4,828 ΜW, hydropower, at 280 MW, biomass, at 131 MW, and combined cooling, heat and power (CCHP) units, at 255 MW.

As for the share of RES production by these technologies, 52.7 percent of output in June was provided by photovoltaics, 34.3 percent by wind turbines, 2.5 percent by roof-mounted solar panels, 4.6 percent by small-scale hydropower units, 3.1 percent by biomass-biogas units, and 1.6 percent by CCHP units.