Electrical heating subsidies platform nearing launch

A platform accepting subsidy applications for electrical heating should be launched before the year is out or, at the very latest, in early January, energy minister Thodoris Skylakakis has told an OT (Oikonomikos Tahydromos) Forum.

The subsidy support, intended to offer energy-cost relief to lower-income households relying on electrical appliances for heating, will range between 50 and 480 euros for the winter season, depending on income and property criteria, and will be offered within the first three months of the new year, the minister informed.

The subsidy will be directly factored into electricity bills as a discount on electricity costs.

Its criteria for eligible parties are expected to be much like those of subsidies offered for other heating fuels – oil, natural gas, LPG, firewood and pellets.

Income upper limits of 16,000 euros and 24,000 euros per annum apply for singles and married couples or single-parent families, respectively, for subsidies concerning these other heating fuels.

Eligible parties must also meet property criteria. Property values must not exceed 200,000 euros for singles and 300,000 euros for married couples and single-parent families.