DESFA calls for comprehensive hydrogen market plan

Gas grid operator DESFA has underlined the need for a clearer strategy concerning the development of a comprehensive hydrogen and renewable gas market with specific policy initiatives, in comments forwarded to the energy ministry as part of a wider effort for revisions to the National Energy and Climate Plan, energypress sources have informed.

DESFA officials, responding to questions on the matter, highlighted the crucial role to be played by hydrogen in the energy transition.

The operator’s line of thinking is not merely limited to the utilization of excess energy resulting from renewables, but stretches out further and includes a whole value chain that would enable the utilization of hydrogen in all its possible applications.

Such a prospect, it was pointed out to energypress, requires a more holistic approach at a political level that would include political actions and measures enabling the development of the hydrogen sector, as opposed to the current approach, focusing on excess electrical energy.

It is worth noting that prospective hydrogen production – given announcements made and the anticipated expansion of the country’s electricity system – will far exceed the needs of the country itself, making necessary infrastructure enabling exports to other markets.

DESFA’s approach, therefore, not only concerns the use of hydrogen in certain sectors as a replacement for natural gas in the context of the decarbonization process.

The gas grid operator is awaiting further clarification from the ministry so that it can draw up its infrastructure development plan taking into account renewable gas and hydrogen as a factor.