Business PV installation subsidies nearing launch

A much-heralded 160 million-euro support program to subsidize business-sector solar energy panel installations, with or without batteries for energy storage, is now nearing its launch.

Government officials behind the support package are aiming for an energy consumption reduction, from the grid, of at least 35 percent by program participants, as well as carbon emission reductions, by these participants, of at least 30 percent.

The support program’s guidelines are soon expected to be announced so that interested parties can prepare applications. This announcement will be followed by a ministerial decision to activate the program and get the application process underway.

Over 3,000 businesses of all sizes around the country are expected to benefit from this support program.

Judging by current indications, respective pools of 60 million euros each are planned to be made available to small and medium-sized enterprises, while a 40 million-euro sum is expected to be reserved for large-sized enterprises.

Selection criteria for applicants will include proportion of energy costs compared to total operating costs, as well as the amount of financing support requested compared to potential energy-bill cost reduction promised by PV and energy storage installations.