Brussels officials in Athens this week, PPC units sale on agenda

A market test needed to measure the level of investor interest in a bailout-required sale package of main power utility PPC lignite units is expected to be proceed as scheduled, by the end of next month, even if certain revisions to a proposal forwarded by Greek officials is necessary, various sources agree.

A finalized list of the PPC units to be offered for sale will need to be delivered within the next five to six weeks if the procedure is to remain on schedule.

Brussels authorities representing the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Competition and Directorate-General for Energy are expected to travel to Athens towards the end of this week for talks on various issues.

All sides involved in the negotiations – European Commission, Greek government and PPC – will need to reach an agreement on the sale package of PPC lignite units if the current plan is to proceed.

Though the visit’s agenda has yet to be announced, all issues concerning the Greek electricity market’s liberalization effort should be examined, including the PPC sale of ligite units. The new temporary CAT mechanism and the Greek government’s extension request for the demand response mechanism (interruptability), enabling energy cost savings for major industrial enterprises, are also expected to be top-priority items on the agenda.