Wind, solar production licenses replaced by online procedure

The need to obtain RES production licenses for wind and solar energy projects, currently a lengthy process, is being abolished and replaced by online confirmation to be delivered swiftly, possibly within a day, following the successful entry of related data into a single information system being created, the energy ministry has decided, energypress sources have informed.

The revised system, an online one-stop shop enabling tracking of applications, will permit investors to proceed with plans as long as their data submitted into the system is not blocked.

The government, which recently presented a new National Energy and Climate Plan featuring more ambitious targets, has pledged to simplify renewable energy licensing procedures, currently time-consuming.

The information system will be programmed to instantly reject investment applications submitted for areas where networks are saturated, previous applications have been submitted, or capacity limits have been exhausted.

Energy ministry officials are expected to present the new plan today to a special committee established recently and tasked with revising the regulatory framework for the renewable energy sector.

Besides drastically reducing time requirements for investors, the new system is also intended to spare RAE, the Regulatory Authority for Energy, of related workload. Applications are believed to have  piled up at its headquarters.

Additional revisions to further simplify procedures for investors are also being currently examined.