Tsipras reshuffles the “economics team” of the government

After the enhanced cooperation between Athens and Berlin during the weekend, and in the aftermath of Friday΄s eventful Eurogroup, Alexis Tsipras decided to reshuffle the economic branch of the cabinet.

Yanis Varoufakis will remain in his position, but the day-to-day oversight of the negotiations will be undertaken by the Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Euclid Tsakalotos. The technical units that participate in the Brussels Group will work under Mr. Chouliarakis, the President of the Economic Advisory Council.

Mr. Theoxarakis, a trusted advisor of Mr. Varoufakis, will be responsible for producing a “growth plan”, whereas Mrs. Panariti who serves as an advisor to Mr. Varoufakis will not have a distinct role from now on.

These changes are seen as an attempt of the government to overcome the dysfunctional relationship between Mr. Varoufakis and his Eurogroup counterparts, without publicly succumbing to the voices who call for his removal.