Natural gas strategic reserve among EU thoughts for crisis

A series of measures to be announced today by the European Commission to help EU member states counter the energy crisis may include a strategic reserve for natural gas, complementing respective supply contracts, for abnormal periods such as the current energy crisis affecting the world, especially Europe.

EU member state participation in this strategic reserve would be optional. The initiative, still at a preliminary stage, is being examined. No decisions have been taken.

The EU’s energy market integration and transboundary grid interconnections have helped avoid even more extreme developments in the current crisis, Brussels has observed.

Measures taken by member states at a national level will need to comply with EU law and not contravene Europe’s energy transition towards renewables, Brussels has made clear.

The European Commission has defended its views on the causes of the energy crisis, insisting that increased natural gas prices have been primarily responsible, while noting that the EU’s Emission Trading System (ETS), through which carbon emission right prices have been driven higher, has played a lesser role.