‘Reference prices’ for ministry RES support plan released

The new renewable energy sources (RES) support framework prepared by the energy ministry, set to be forwarded for public consultation over the next few days, will include “reference prices” for respective RES technologies.

These reference prices will apply as tariffs for electricity absorbed by the system if tender procedures are not implemented. If tenders are used, the reference prices will serve as price ceilings and investors will be called upon to make downward offers, indicating how far below the reference prices they are prepared to go for their tariff deals.

The reference price for wind-energy units on land as well as wind-energy units on non-interconnected islands is listed as 98 euros per MWh.

Hydraulic energy produced by small hydropower stations with capacities of three MW or less have been listed with a reference price of 100 euros per MWh. Such facilities with capacities between three and 15 MW have been given a reference price of 97 euros per MW.

The reference price for photovoltaic facilities with installed capacities of 0.5 MW or more will be determined through competitive procedures.

Photovoltaic facilities included in a development program for PV units at buildings, especially on roofs and rooftops, have a reference price of 110 euros per MWh.

Solar energy utilized by facilities without storage systems have a reference price of 257 euros per MWh

Geothermal energy utilized by power stations with installed capacities of 5 MW or less has a reference price of 139 euros per MWh, while the reference price is 108 euros per MWh for stations with installed capacities of more than 5 MW.

Reference prices will apply for the remainder of 2016. Also, they will apply until the end of 2017 for new stations set to be launched or to undergo trial runs, and until the end of 2018 for wind-energy facilities and small hydropower stations.