LNG terminal upgrade launch delay sparks mini energy alert

The commercial launch of gas grid operator DESFA’s upgraded LNG terminal on the islet Revythoussa, just off Athens, is headed for a slight delay that could place some pressure on the country’s grid as a result of the higher energy demand anticipated as winter draws nearer.

DESFA had committed itself – in writing – to a commercial launch of a third storage tank by the end of November, for a needed capacity increase at the LNG terminal, while an official launch ceremony, possibly with the participation of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, has been planned for November 22.  This date remains unchanged.

However, latest developments suggest the commercial launch will not be possible prior to mid-December, sparking a mini energy sufficiency alert. A meeting involving all related authorities was staged yesterday at the energy ministry.

A fifteen-day delay may not seem drastic, but it could prove pivotal for Greece’s energy-related matters this winter given the European energy market’s prevailing conditions. Under a new term, electricity producers must maintain seasonal reserves.