First offshore wind farm auction ‘possible in first half of 2022′

An inaugural auction for offshore wind farms can be held in the first half of 2022, a study conducted by ELETAEN, the Greek Wind Energy Association, on a new regulatory framework for such wind farms in Greece has shown.

Public consultation is being staged on “Necessary legislative adjustments to promote offshore wind energy in Greece”, funded by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, managed by the Norwegian Embassy.

Interested parties may forward views and proposals by February 1.

The development of related networks, or preparation of a central plan for basic grid hubs and power grid operator IPTO’s role, are crucial factors in the overall effort.

For some time now, investors have expressed solid interest in the domestic development of offshore wind farms.

Norwegian company Equinor, the new face of oil giant Statoil, now focused on green energy, has expressed interest to Greek officials for the development of offshore wind farms – as floating wind turbines, because of deep waters – in the Cyclades region between the Greek islands Tinos, Syros and Mykonos. This form of RES technology is still at a nascent stage.

Going further back, Denmark’s Copenhagen Offshore Partners, one of the biggest enterprises in the offshore wind farm sector, had also expressed its interest in the Greek market to government officials.

According to the ELETAEN study, auctions for this domain should concurrently offer investors producer certificates, finalized connection terms, and sea-area concession rights.