Energy efficiency subsidy program details out today

Guidelines and details for the latest edition of the Saving at Home subsidy program supporting energy efficiency upgrades of existing homes are expected to be announced today, ahead of a launch of the online platform by mid-December.

The latest edition, budgeted at 632 million euros, will offer subsidies covering as much as 75 percent of project costs.

The online platform’s launch date is expected to be announced today. Sources believe the platform will be opened for applications on December 15. The platform will remain open for 30 days from its date of launch.

The latest edition of the subsidy program will not offer different application deadlines based on geographical regions, as has been the case with previous editions.

In another change, priority will be given to applicants with greater need. The energy ministry, as part of a wider effort to counter energy poverty, has established a new and separate category to offer subsidies worth a total of 100 million euros to vulnerable households.

The new Saving at Home edition will also take into account the sharp price rise in building materials, increasing by 15 percent the subsidy program’s expense limits for a wide range of project materials.