Energy prices now lower but seen surging in first half of ‘22

Electricity and natural gas prices are expected to remain bullish in the first half of 2022 despite the currently respite in price levels, expected to be short-lived, market authorities tend to agree.

Electricity prices around Europe today have eased considerably, dropping to as low as 101.64 euros per MWh in France. The highest level was registered in Switzerland, at 186.13 euros per MWh, followed by Balkan countries, including Greece, where the average price for the day is 182.47 euros per MWh.

Natural gas prices yesterday reached as low as 80 euros per MWh, before rising to 105 euros per MWh, still considerably lower than the price level of 180 euros per MWh registered on December 21.

Even so, most pundits project prices will surge again in coming months.