Details of new energy efficiency subsidies plan published this week

The energy ministry’s plan for the latest edition of the “Saving at Home – Becoming Autonomous” program subsidizing energy efficiency upgrades is expected to be published by the end of this week, possibly tomorrow, ahead of it launch, not expected before October.

The new subsidy program, worth a total of 632 million euros, is expected to offer subsidies averaging 62 percent of the respective total cost of energy efficiency projects.

This week’s announcement of the plan will give interested parties time to study the subsidy program’s details and prepare supporting documents for their applications.

A first-come, first-served criterion is being abandoned for this latest edition of the subsidy program. Instead, applications will be assessed based on energy-efficiency potential, income, and social criteria.

Priority will be given to low-income households, individuals with special needs, single-parent families, long-term unemployed, large families and households with increased energy needs.

The energy-saving potential of applications will be the most important criterion, serving as a 50 percent coefficient in the overall assessment. Personal or family income levels will be the next most important factor, representing 15 percent of the overall assessment.