‘PPAs must be registered to secure guarantees of origin’

Green-energy power purchase agreements (PPAs) will need to be registered with DAPEEP, the RES market operator, in order to secure renewable energy Guarantees of Origin, the operator’s president and CEO Giannis Giarentis has stressed in comments to energypress.

This essentially means that, otherwise, the green origin of electricity quantities supplied by producers to off-takers through bilateral contracts will remain uncertified.

PPAs not entered into the DAPEEP registry and, subsequently, not covered by Guarantees of Origin, will practically result in non-certification of energy derived from renewable energy sources. This would deprive such PPAs of cost-related advantages as they would be no different to bilateral contracts signed between off-takers and thermal plant owners.

The DAPEEP head official’s remarks come at a pivotal time for Greece’s nascent green PPAs market, taking its first steps with a first round of contracts capitalizing on a recently introduced exemption from a wholesale market cap for physical delivery contracts.