Abolition of non-binding grid connection offers proposed

The abolition of non-binding (preliminary) grid connection offers is among a list of legislative proposals made by the energy ministry’s RES licensing committee, the objective being to further simplify the RES licensing process.

As part of the overall effort, RES production licenses have been replaced by RES producer certificates, obtained through a simpler online process.

The proposal to abolish non-binding (preliminary) grid connection offers means that RES investors will be able to apply to the distribution network operator DEDDIE/HEDNO (if projects are up to 8 MW) or the power grid operator IPTO for finalized grid connection offers once they have obtained producer certificates and environmental permits.

In another committee proposal, DEDDIE/HEDNO, during its examination of grid connection offers, will no longer be responsible for land title audits in cases where land to be used for RES project installations is privately owned. This task, according to the proposal, will be taken on by external lawyers.