Authorities inform locals on Epirus hydrocarbon exploration

Hydrocarbon authorities, academics specializing in this domain, as well as energy ministry officials participated in two open events staged in the towns of Voutsara and Ano Pedina, northwestern Greece, earlier this week to discuss the wider Epirus region’s hydrocarbon prospects.

Municipal authorities representing both towns were also involved in the events, both well attended.

Many issues and queries were raised and discussed, resulting in a number of conclusions.

It was agreed that a further five years would be needed before current exploration work was completed.

Scientists participating in the event clarified that geophysical work cannot, under any circumstances, be linked to seismic activity. Authorities also informed that all exploration work has been designed to be carried out with protection of the natural environment in mind.

Energy ministry officials ruled out any chance of fracking procedures being  applied to extract hydrocarbon deposits in the region.

Officials also assured that private property ownership would not be impacted in any way.