‘Interruptability’ extension bid not submitted, industry edgy

Main power utility PPC’s mine in Amynteo, affected by a landslide a fornight ago, will not be taking part in the upcoming demand response mechanism (interruptability) auction, as had been expected, energypress sources have informed. This development will reduce the auction’s demand level by 45 MW.

The next demand response mechanism auction, through which the power grid operator IPTO will offer capacities of 750 MW and 900 MW over two sessions during one day, is scheduled to take place this coming Tuesday.

The operator has announced that three enterprises, Halyvourgiki, Greece’s oldest company in the steel industry, Halyvourgia Elefsinas, and Athens airport, are not entitled to participate.

Though participants are looking forward to the next demand response mechanism auction, offering energy savings, industrialists have expressed growing concern over the past few days as, according to sources, Greek government officials have yet to submit an official application to the European Commission seeking an extension of the measure.

The demand response mechanism, enabling major industrial enterprises to be compensated when the TSO (ADMIE/IPTO) requests that they shift their energy usage by lowering or stopping consumption during high-demand peak hours so as to balance the electricity system needs, is due to expire in November.

Industrial figures are counting on the government’s pledge for the measure’s extension. Otherwise their respective industrial enterprises will face steep energy cost increases.

Greek government officials need to take into account the customary slowdown of procedures at the European Commission during the summer months. Swift and immediate action is needed as the end of the measure’s validity, four months away, is closer than the time period suggests, indusrialists have warned.