Tariff auction exemption for small wind units to be scrapped

Initiatives taken by many enterprises to break down their wind-energy project licenses into a series of smaller licenses representing ventures with capacities of less than 6 MW in order to achieve exemption from competitive procedures determining tariff prices for their electricity production has prompted RAE, the Regulatory Authority for Energy, to take preventive action.

According to energypress sources, RAE intends to abolish this auction exemption for wind-energy units of less than 6 MW. The revision plan is expected to be announced at a RAE meeting this Friday, the sources informed.

It remains unknown, however, whether the exemption will apply uniformly or whether an intermediate model will be adopted following a public consultation procedure.

Current RES legislation offers feed in tariffs for wind energy ventures with capacities of up to 3 MW. As a result of an amendment ratified late in 2016, wind energy units with capacities of up to 6 MW do not take part in competitive procedures for tariffs concerning electricity production. Instead, such ventures qualify for preset feed in premiums at a level of 98 euros pr MWh. This will be abolished if the RAE initiative is ratified.