Region’s first event focused on energy IT solutions to be held in Sofia

The first event in southeast Europe dedicated to IT solutions in the energy field, the “First Energy Software Day SEE”, will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria, on January 28.

Last year at E-World in Essen, Germany, one of the take home messages was “Money is made at the frontiers”. Southeast Europe is one such frontier for the development of energy markets and it comes with a set of specific challenges that are waiting to be tackled. Among them are unstable regulatory framework, concentrated production assets, general backwardness with respect to liberalization, intercompany debt, and EU regulatory frameworks also hitting the local players. In this setting, the questions about reducing complexities of trading and improving operational efficiencies have fallen slightly behind in the past years. Organizers of the “First Energy Software Day SEE” believe that the topic about business software in the niche needs to be urged back and put towards the top of the agenda.

Energy and commodity trading typically require a suite of complex solutions supporting the operational and market activities of sector companies. From wholesale market operations where the main topics are load forecasting, load management, load decomposition, and optimization of deliveries to retail operations where the purchased energy has to be delivered to multiple customers which require a high level of operational efficiency in order to ensure lower cost of customer support, invoicing, reconciliation against network companies, etc., a company which can start with a small investment and a laptop has to invest in itself to keep a good competitive edge.

ROITI has set a target for itself: to create a community of educated buyers and sellers in the region where it is headquartered: Southeast Europe. For this reason, ROITI has teamed up with the editors of the Utilities magazine from and initiated the First Energy Software Day SEE in Sofia, Bulgaria. The event’s goal is to stir up the conversation between potential customers and vendors and help identify the key problems specific to the region, the quick wins in terms of maximum business improvement at a minimum investment, and the potential solutions that will make the life of market players simpler and longer. Participants interested in joining the event may register at is free of charge.