PPC Renewables eyeing growth prospects in Turkey

The investment prospects of PPC Renewables in the Turkish market and other neighboring countries have been discussed at a series of meeetings involving officials of PPC Renewables, a main power utility PPC subsidiary; the utility’s company development department; PPC Elektrik, the utility’s subsidiary in Turkey; as well as Turkish investors, construction groups, technical and financial consultants.

Potential growth in the wind, photovoltaic, hydropower and geothermal sub-sectors represented a key subject of these talks, PPC Renewables announced.

The renewable energy sector, especially geothermal technology, has experienced rapid growth in Turkey over the past few years.

PPC Elektrik has been a crucial contributor to the sector’s growth in Turkey. In a move aimed at further reinforcing PPC Elektrik’s role in the Turkish market, Ilias Monaholias, managing director of PPC Renewables, has been appointed deputy president of PPC Elektrik’s new administration.

“The aim is to identify the best possible opportunities for investment in renewable energy sources at a time when the development of power plants in Turkey is on the rise. Our main aim is not only the exchange of knowhow, but, especially, the penetration of PPC Renewables into new emerging markets, the strengthening of its portfolio and, by extension, the strengthening of PPC’s investment activity outside Greece,” Monaholias noted. “An ambitious investment plan already exists for the Greek market,” he added.