ACER proposes removing priority dispatch for existing RES units

ACER, Europe’s Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators, has called for EU legislators to bring Renewable Energy Sources (RES) fully into the market in the clean energy transition, recommending three changes to the European Commission’s Clean Energy proposals.

The agency proposed removing the priority dispatch for existing RES units so that all technologies compete fairly in the market to deliver the lowest possible cost to consumers.

It also proposes avoiding a non-market approach to redispatch and RES curtailment. The agency recommends removing the proposed 90% compensation for RES curtailment. Regulators support the proposals for market-based prices as the driver for compensation paid to renewables that are curtailed when there is congestion. They also favor Transmission System Operators (TSOs) performing market-based (rather than technology-based) curtailments.

ACER also proposes the avoidance of net metering to ensure that self-generators pay their fair share of network and system costs.